Nudging for Change: How Resi Helps Tenants Reduce CO2 Emissions

Nudging for Change: How Resi Helps Tenants Reduce CO2 Emissions

In a world where environmental sustainability is paramount, Resi is leading the way in revolutionizing the real estate industry. Through its innovative tenant app, Resi introduces a groundbreaking feature designed to encourage tenants to actively participate in reducing CO2 emissions. This blog post delves into the power of nudging and how Resi is driving meaningful change.

The Art of Nudging

Nudging is a concept rooted in behavioral economics, which leverages positive reinforcement and subtle suggestions to influence decision-making and encourage specific behaviors. It's about making the right choice the easy choice. In the realm of sustainability, nudging has proven to be a powerful tool for motivating individuals and communities to embrace more eco-friendly habits.

Resi recognized the potential of nudging to drive positive change and decided to make it a central feature of its tenant app. The goal was not just to nudge tenants but to do so in a way that was scientifically proven to be effective.

Collaboration with the Hasso Plattner Institute

To ensure the effectiveness of its nudging feature, Resi collaborated with the Hasso Plattner Institute. The Hasso Plattner Institute is a renowned academic institution, specializing in design thinking, human-computer interaction, and user experience. This partnership added a layer of scientific rigor to Resi's approach.

The collaboration allowed Resi to create nudging features that weren't just engaging but were also based on sound scientific principles. The focus was on crafting a feature that would truly motivate tenants to reduce their carbon footprint, foster sustainable behavior, and provide tangible results.

Real-World Impact: Research Projects

The effectiveness of Resi's nudging feature isn't just theoretical; it has been tested and validated through real-world research projects. One such project involved Cresco Real Estate, where Resi's nudging feature was introduced to 2000 apartments.

The results indicate an impressive reduction in utility consumption among participating tenants (approx. 6%). This reduction was attributed to the nudging feature's ability to motivate tenants to make eco-friendly choices and actively reduce their carbon emissions.

The Hasso Plattner Institute also conducted research with LEG Real Estate, a prominent housing company. In this study, the use of offline nudging—applying similar principles without digital technology—led to an even more substantial 8% reduction in utility consumption. These findings underscore the effectiveness of nudging as a tool for sustainable behavior change.

How Resi's Nudging Feature Works

Resi's nudging feature is thoughtfully integrated into the tenant app to make sustainability a part of tenants' daily lives. It provides real-time information on utility consumption, raising tenant awareness about their energy and resource usage. Gamified challenges and incentives motivate tenants to take small but impactful steps to reduce their consumption.

This feature uses principles of behavioral psychology to encourage tenants to take positive actions. By breaking down sustainable practices into achievable, rewarding actions, tenants are more likely to embrace eco-friendly habits. The positive reinforcement and sense of accomplishment make carbon reduction an engaging and enjoyable journey for tenants.


Resi's nudging feature, developed in collaboration with the Hasso Plattner Institute, is changing the way tenants think about sustainability. It's not just about making the right choices; it's about making those choices engaging and rewarding. With real-world results and scientific foundations, Resi's nudging feature is driving meaningful change in reducing CO2 emissions and contributing to a more sustainable future for real estate and the planet.